- Government
- Tyrrell Giles, District 1
- Rick Wells, District 2
- Sherron Freeman, District 3
- Carlos Jennings, District 4
- Zach Cramer, District 5
- Kristie Krone, District 6
- Lisa Chavis, At-Large
- Liz Masur, At-large
- Betty Robinson, At-large
Mayor's Office
City Clerk
Common Council
Controller's Office
Human Resources
Department of Public Works
Street Department
Parks and Recreation
Lawrence Utilities
- Contact
- Chief of Staff Greg Goodnight
- Deputy Chief of Staff Leandre Level
- Police Chief Curtis Bigsbee
- Fire Chief Bob Wallace
- Utilities Superintendent Paul Wanner
- Director of DPW Chris Wilburn
- Street Department Director Jim Heneghan
- Parks & Recreation Director Eric Martin
- Human Resources Director Janette Jackson
- Crime Prevention Director Lisa Harvey
Whitfield Administration
- Public Safety
- Do Business
- How Do I...?
Make suggestions to Mayor Whitfield?
Make a public records request?
Request a Police Incident or Accident Report
File a tort claim?
Find out about trash collection?
Order or replace a trash/recycle toter?
Report a street issue or pothole?
Report a code violation?
Report a safety concern?
Pay a traffic/parking fine?
Apply for a gun permit?
Apply for a Blue Star Banner?
Pay my water/sewer bill?
Resume water service?
Online Bill Pay

Register your account today and you will enjoy complete account access at your fingertips. Registered account users can:
- Review and pay bills, register credit card for recurring monthly payments
- Manage multiple accounts and multiple payment options
- Go paperless
- Sign up for e-billing
Have a billing issue or concern? Please contact Cathy Retmier and/or Jodi Simpson at the Lawrence Utility's Business Office. We’re here to help!”
NOTICE: Utility Access Portal is Live!! Remember to create an account to gain full access to your Utility account. Also, don’t forget to activate e-billing and sign up for recurring credit card! If you were receiving e-bill notifications or enrolled in recurring credit card in a previous system, you will need to re-enroll once you have established your Utility Access account. Load the new payment system using the blue button below.
Other Payment Options:
Utility Payment by Phone: 317-542-0511 Check or Credit Card
In Person: Kiosk 9001 E. 59th St., Lawrence, In 46216 Cash, Check, Credit Card

Contact us
9001 East 59th StreetLawrence, IN 46216
Phone: (317) 545-6191
Staff Directory
Utilities: (317) 542-0511
Subscribe for newsletters

Contact us
9001 East 59th StreetLawrence, IN 46216
Phone: (317) 545-6191
Staff Directory
Utilities: (317) 542-0511