Abby Vesga: Founder of Laundry & More

March 22, 2021

Abby Vesga
is the founder of
Laundry & More
, an organization that exists to wash the clothes and bedding of those living in poverty in the City of Lawrence.
She wanted to provide a safe haven in the form of a supportive community that respects all people, and to connect others with resources in our community such as food, job training, reading materials, and others who care for them. They meet every Tuesday at 4212 N Post Road from 10am-12pm.
“Not only does she understand homelessness, as she herself has been in that position four times; but she also understands the needs, feelings and fears of many others in the community.
Abby has a long history of sexual, mental, emotional and spiritual abuse that has plagued her for years. She is a recovering alcoholic, drug dealer, rape victim, and understands those feelings of being less, or thoughts of not mattering to those around. She has gone hungry. She understands the violence moms in the community have to deal with as she, too, has had to bury family members due to suicide, violence and murder.
She brings with her first-hand knowledge of being told “no” by those that were designed to help, because she didn’t qualify for services due to age or not having dependents. “There are a lot of cracks that people like me fall into, and that has to change,” she says. So when Laundry & More was in its planning stages, the first thing she stated was that no one would be told “no.”
The only condition to be helped with laundry at Laundry & More is residency in Lawrence.” –
Thank you for everything that you do for our community, Abby!