Final Message From Mayor Steve Collier

December 7, 2023

Dear Residents and Friends of Lawrence,


As my time serving as the Mayor of the City of Lawrence draws to a close, I find myself reflecting on the incredible journey we have embarked on together over the past eight years. It's been a period of substantial growth, progress, and transformation, and I am filled with both pride and gratitude for what we have accomplished.


In the last few weeks, I've been reminded of the remarkable strides we've made as a community. The City of Lawrence is now in the best financial condition it has seen in decades, and our commitment to investing in the future is evident through numerous capital projects that are eagerly awaiting realization. Together, we have not only achieved tangible results but also altered the very trajectory of Lawrence.


Our city now stands as a beacon of growth and opportunity, a place with a clear vision that has captured the attention of many. I've had the privilege of sharing our story with journalists and newscasters across Central Indiana, discussing our rich history and showcasing the achievements made possible by visionary leadership.


I take great pride in our "new normal," a testament to our collective dedication to excellence. Yet, in order to perpetuate this legacy of success, it is imperative that we commit to building upon the momentum we have created. Together, let us focus on the paramount goal of consistently demonstrating progress, whether it's the establishment of a state-of-the-art public library, the undertaking of a $90 million capital project, or the enhancement of our parks with additions like pickleball courts and improved ADA compliance—all of which contribute to our overall quality of life.


Recalling my first campaign slogan, "Moving Lawrence Forward," I can confidently say that my team and I have remained true to this original promise. However, our journey is far from over, and satisfaction should not be our endpoint. There is still so much more left to be done! As I anticipate passing the torch to new leadership, I ask only that you acknowledge the undeniable truth: together, there is nothing we cannot accomplish.


Lawrence remains "A Great City with Great Schools and Great People!" As I bid farewell to my role as Mayor, I express my deepest gratitude for the privilege of serving you all. Let us continue working hand in hand, and I am confident that the future of Lawrence will be even brighter.


With heartfelt appreciation,


Steve Collier

Mayor, City of Lawrence, 2016-2023