- Government
- Tyrrell Giles, District 1
- Rick Wells, District 2
- Sherron Freeman, District 3
- Carlos Jennings, District 4
- Zach Cramer, District 5
- Kristie Krone, District 6
- Lisa Chavis, At-Large
- Liz Masur, At-large
- Betty Robinson, At-large
Mayor's Office
City Clerk
Common Council
Controller's Office
Human Resources
Department of Public Works
Street Department
Parks and Recreation
Lawrence Utilities
- Contact
- Chief of Staff Greg Goodnight
- Deputy Chief of Staff Leandre Level
- Police Chief Curtis Bigsbee
- Fire Chief Bob Wallace
- Utilities Superintendent Paul Wanner
- Director of DPW Chris Wilburn
- Street Department Director Jim Heneghan
- Parks & Recreation Director Eric Martin
- Human Resources Director Janette Jackson
- Crime Prevention Director Lisa Harvey
Whitfield Administration
- Public Safety
- Do Business
- How Do I...?
Make suggestions to Mayor Whitfield?
Make a public records request?
Request a Police Incident or Accident Report
File a tort claim?
Find out about trash collection?
Order or replace a trash/recycle toter?
Report a street issue or pothole?
Report a code violation?
Report a safety concern?
Pay a traffic/parking fine?
Apply for a gun permit?
Apply for a Blue Star Banner?
Pay my water/sewer bill?
Resume water service?
Stephen Lizon
Battalion Chief Stephen Lizon started with the Greenwood Fire Department in 1996, while also working as an EMT for Wishard EMS. In 1999, Steve moved over to the Lawrence Fire Department as a full time career Firefighter. In 2003, he formed the Lawrence Fire Department Honor Guard, which tended to all ceremonial matters of the fire service. Since then, he has worked his way up to being a Lieutenant at Ladder 38, before becoming Captain of Ladder 38 in 2016.
He has certifications in Hazmat Technician, Public Safety Diver, Instructor II/III, Fire Officer II and Vehicle Machinery Extrication Technician. Steve chaired the committee for Lawrence’s new Station 38, that is set to open the summer of 2023. Chief Lizon was promoted to Battalion Chief B Shift in 2023.
Steve has been proudly married to his wife, Diane, for 24 years. They have two boys, ages 15 and 18, and enjoy being surrounded by nature while vacationing at different cabins. Steve also enjoys fishing, golf or any type of water activity.

Contact us
9001 East 59th StreetLawrence, IN 46216
Phone: (317) 545-6191
Staff Directory
Utilities: (317) 542-0511
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Contact us
9001 East 59th StreetLawrence, IN 46216
Phone: (317) 545-6191
Staff Directory
Utilities: (317) 542-0511