Public Safety

Crime Watch

Emergency: 911

Necesite ayuda? Llama 911

Crime Watch: 317-549-9580 

Public Safety

Crime Watch

Emergency: 911

Necesite ayuda? Llama 911

Crime Watch: 317-549-9580 

You can be Lawrence’s first line of defense against crime. Join a neighborhood Crime Watch or form one of your own.

Neighborhood watch groups typically organize when crime occurs in the vicinity; too often they disband as soon as the immediate threat subsides. But a neighborhood Crime Watch can be a moving force for positive change that tackles the root cause of crime. It empowers you and your neighbors to take action, forge relationships, communicate with one another and build a partnership with law enforcement.

Successful neighborhood watches move beyond the basics of home security, watching for suspicious activity and reporting crime to law enforcement. They sponsor community clean-ups, find solutions to neighborhood problems and use community resources to improve the quality of life and reduce the fear of crime.

If you’re interested in starting a Crime Watch group in your neighborhood or apartment complex, send an email to:

Crime Reports

Marion County maintains an application to view crime activity found here:


Crime Watch Maps


Archived Documents