Explorers #160 attend Indiana Law Enforcement Explorer Academy

June 27, 2017

Members of Lawrence's LPD Explorer Unit #160 took part in the week long Induaba Law Enforcement Explorer Academy in Noblesville. Chief David Hofmann said the training included exposure to: Use of Force / Defensive Tactics, Emergency Vehicle Operations, Verbal De-escalation, Firearms, Less Lethal, Physical Fitness, Criminal Law, Water Safety and many other areas of law enforcement training. Lawrence was represented by 10 explorers and Zach Rogers was recognized as the class Honor Explorer. Tyler Harper earned a perfect score in handling a mock hostage scenerio; Bennett Lushin was recognized for his excellent completion of a pat-down search of two unruly subjects and a non-lethal intervention of a suicidal subject. Tylan Jones overcame her fear of water and completed her scuba training, while Garrett Pritchard distinguished himself in a 2-car/4-officer felony traffic stop.  Hofmann said the explorers earned above-average test scores scenario scores, range scores, EVO times and extra points. He noted the experience gave the Explorers exposure to other departments and tactics, and said they demonstrated professionalism, pride, integrity and a serious demeanor for their training.