Groundbreaking for New MSD of Lawrence Township Admin Building

September 8, 2023

Congratulations to MSD of Lawrence Township! Earlier this morning, Mayor Steve Collier joined them as they broke ground on a new, $20M Administration Building immediately west of Civic Plaza (5710 Lawrence Village Parkway)!
The Fort Harrison Re-Use Authority (Fort Benjamin Harrison) donated the land for the new facility to the school corporation in 2023. The facility will house the district’s business operations and executive offices. The old Sunnyside site will continue to house Lawrence Advance Academy, several alternative and special needs programs, and will be the home of the future Craig Academy.
“We are excited to move our business operations to a more central location within the school district thanks to the Fort Harrison Re-Use Authority and the City of Lawrence,” said Superintendent, Dr. Shawn A. Smith. “This new construction is an important part of the redevelopment of Fort Benjamin Harrison, and we are honored to support the community.”
Project completion is anticipated for early 2025.


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