Through our fashion, food, and music, you can truly see the resiliency of our people

February 16, 2023

“The best part of the African-American culture and the thing I love the most is the perseverance our people have shown throughout the years. Through our fashion, food, and music, you can truly see the resiliency of our people. No matter what we’ve gone through, we seem to always thrive, even in the darkest moments. 

My father was an entrepreneur and he passed down the value of hard work, not relying on others to supply things for you. But through hard work and dedication you can achieve your own aspirations and goals. It is supremely important to celebrate your heritage because it allows you to shine a light on the accomplishments of others before you. It’s awesome to celebrate the people who paved the way for you to become who you inspire and desire to become. 

I believe that if you do not praise and celebrate your own and other African-American accomplishment, you’ll ultimately allow others to downgrade or forget your abilities and goals, which is a crime in itself. Being a chef, I have the luxury of being inspired by the food other people. I love the African culture, food, their techniques, and their ability to use what they have available and make it a masterpiece. It’s one of the most extraordinary things that I’ve been blessed to be able to see and taste. 

My greatest accomplishment is becoming a husband and a father. I am blessed to be able to have such wonderful children and an absolutely phenomenal wife. On the culinary side, I was chosen to go to France and Germany as one of top 10 students from my school. It was an incredible experience and a life-changing moment. If there were any words, I can give to my fellow African American family it would be to stay focus, stay consistent, stay grinding and grounded. The greatest thing about cooking is that you can stay connected to your ancestors by making the food that was inspired by the culture of their time. Every time I cook, it makes me feel like I am in some ways, becoming closer and closer to the people that set a standard of delicious cuisine. My identity means a lot to me because I want to make sure that when people see me, they see a Christ inspired person, a good man, a good husband, good father, and a good chef.” - Chef Brady Foster