The Street Department’s primary responsibilities include snow removal, streets & sidewalks, pothole repair, streetlight repair, and mowing throughout the city.

The Street Department provides the following services to Lawrence residents:

  • Pothole patching
  • Maintenance/mowing of city right-of-ways
  • Snow and ice removal
  • Street sweeping
  • Street sign maintenance
  • City-Owned Street light maintenance. Street lights in subdivisions are not owned or maintained by the city. Contact your HOA or AES.
  • Maintenance of city parking lots
  • Maintenance of city berms
  • Storm sewer repair and maintenance

Is there a pothole near you? Let us know about it, and we will get it repaired as soon as possible. Please contact the Street Department at 317-823-8959.


Roadway Standards

Standard Drawings


Title VI and ADA